ran from 01/2011 to 09/2015 with the support from Research Agency (formerly The Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport for EU Structural Funds) under the Operational Programme Research and Development, Measure 2.2 Transfer of knowledge and technology from research and development into practice General implementer of the project was the company VUJE, Inc., co-implementer was Electrical Power Engineering Department of the Technical University in Košice.
The project aimed to develop maps of electromagnetic fields for the SR cities with population over 10,000 and to make them available to the lay and professional public. The project couldn ́t include the cities of the Bratislava region due to the conditions given by the project. Resulting digital maps of electromagnetic fields are online at www.emp.vuje.sk. The Slovak Republic has thus become one of the EU countries which meet the European Parliament's resolution on health issues associated with electromagnetic fields (Resolution 2008/2211(INI) of 2 April 2009). This resolution calls on EU Member States to make the maps displaying EMF exposure available and to publish information on the issue of EMF on the website in order to provide easy public access to them.
Accessing maps on the website also brings other benefits such as:
- Informing the public about the reached levels of electromagnetic fields, the monitoring results, identifying location of individual sources and their fundamental characteristics, etc., which will contribute to increasing the awareness of the population.
- More efficient planning and directing of resources for risk-reducing measures related to EMF exposure.
- Informing operators of electromagnetic fields sources (mobile operators, Internet service providers, electricity and telecommunications companies) ) which can utilize this information in process of planning and preparation of new facilities (the electromagnetic field sources).
- Utilization of this information by national public health institute or research organizations as input date for further specialized analyses and evaluations.
- Improving decision-making process for the state and public administration, e.g. in territorial planning, zoning and building permits etc.